Grace Teng


Advice for Le Wagon Web Dev Bootcamp grads

Applying to MCIT

Thinking About Test Frameworks

Thinking About Testing

Scraping With Nokogiri

Handling date strings and timezones in JavaScript

Python cheatsheet for Ruby devs

Thinking About Computation

Le Wagon: Macrotery and Macrotery Redux

Le Wagon: Rent-a-Pokémon and Rent-a-Pokémon Redux

Le Wagon: Mister Cocktail

Working Stiff by Dr. Judy Melinek and T.J. Mitchell

Speedrunning and the Scientific Method

Learning To Read Science

Very preliminary thoughts and questions on speedrunning

Entertainment On Steroids

Visual Abstraction: Velázquez, Picasso and Klee

Writing Systems: Signs, Icons, Symbols and Abstraction

Layers of Abstraction

Spanish neorealism in comparison with Italian neorealism

Orwell y el anarquismo en Cataluña

Already / Liao as aspect marker in Singlish

¿Quién es catalán?

Development of the Catalan periphrastic past tense construction

La inmigración marroquí y musulmana y el “islamización” de España

La fuerza y la dignidad en dos cuadros de historia españoles

El personaje del padre en El sur: carácter y caracterización

Lo grotesco en El día de la bestia

Writing the Essay: Beethoven

Writing the Essay: The Unbelievable Truth

Writing the Essay: Fabled Histories

Writing the Essay: Art is a Wild Animal